ARCHIVING | "Tribute" Archiving

I received this interesting article in one of my listserv feeds.  Check out this article in the NY Times about curating artifacts from tributes that follow a traumatic event such as the Dallas police shooting.

With huge events like 911, there is a memorial and a museum where artifacts could be curated and collected. ( what about when the event is not as huge as 911 but just as significant? What happens AFTER the flowers die and the candles are extinguished. There also may be artifacts from the event itself, such as shoes, stained t-shirts, cellphones, etc. 

As the article points out...
"the archive is not about what happened that night, but about "the outpouring of love from the citizens — from the world — that happened afterward," said Jo Giudice, the director of Dallas's public library system. "That's what's important."

I think archiving love and support of humanity is a noble cause.